CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 129

CH. 7 Talent cultivation
Protection of Employees' Interests
We persist in ensuring employee rights on all aspects,
protect employee's freedom of speech and association,
and do not tolerate any action detrimental to human rights.
Through enhancing employee's loyalty, CTCI hopes to
induce employees to be passionate toward their work in
a friendly work environment, and thus, to enhance their
productivity. At the same time, we can also create the
motivation for enhancement in the Company's overall
operations. Employee's equal treatment and rights are all
clearly stated on Employee Handbook and continue to be
posted on Company's internal website. The Company has
established "Employee Suggestion Mailbox" that offers a
channel for employees to express their opinions via email.
Designated department will collect these emails and relevant
departments will assist in responding to these concerns
according to the type of the concern. And to effectively
monitor the Company's reporting system and to establish an
effective reporting channel and fair investigation procedure
to halt blackmail and to rectify any inappropriate actions, we
have established a "Reporting Management Policy." The inter-
departmental team consisting of members approved by the
Incentive Review Board, is responsible for investigating and
verifying the reported problems and will submit their results.
CTCI holds true to the human rights, labor standards,
environment protection, and anti-corruption principles
according to the UN CG, Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, and the UN Framework and Guiding Principles on
Business and Human Right. We have established a human
rights policy in 2016, and will utilize the Ruggie Framework
in the Company's operations in practice. It is clearly stated
in the Employee's Corporate Ethics Principles that they are
forbidden from discriminating and crowding out each other
under the basis of gender, race, religious beliefs, political
inclinations, sexuality, rank, nationality, and/or age. They
are also forbidden from committing any sexual harrassment
or any other form of violence or threatening. To carry out
our promise to stop harassment and discriminations and
to prevent workplace sexual harassment, not only CTCI
states these policies in Employee Handbook, they are also
reiterated to employees during New Employee Trainings. We
have established a hotline and designated email to handle
sexual harassment, and the HR Department is responsible
for handling complaints and suggestions. The Company
has also established a Sexual Harassment Complaints
Handling Committee in 2011, and the committee would be
responsible for handling sexual harassment incidents or
suspected incidents when they occur. The committee is
strictly confidential and does not disclose investigations.
And investigation results need to be submitted within 3
months of receiving a complaint. And once a decision is
reached regarding whether sexual harassment has occurred
and suggestions for punishment, the Company Chairman
would be responsible for approving these decisions. The
sexual harassment complaint handling committee consists
of 7 members, in which the HR Supervisor would head the
committee, and the other members would be appointed by
the Deputy General Manager and various supervisors, and
numbers of female committee members cannot be less than
1/2. In 2015, we received one complaint on a construction
site related to physical harrassment. The sexual harassment
complaint handling committee held 5 meetings to discuss
the matter and also inspected the site for further details. The
complainant of this incident had also reported to the police
and the matter was investigated by the Prosecutors Office.
After it was declared to be valid by the Criminal Court, our
Company has also carried out punishments according to
Company Policy.
Human Rights related training
Ratio of personnel undertaking training ( % )
Total hours of training (hours )
71.8 72.4
Total :
95.8 96.4
Total :
96.9 96.8
Total :
89 28
Total :
149 41
Total :
170 61
Total :
1...,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128 130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,...177
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