CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 127

CH. 7 Talent cultivation
Additionally, in 2015, the Safety, Health, and
Environmental Management Unit has also conducted
causal analysis for severe accidents that have occurred
for the past 5 years, in order to truly implement disaster
prevention in practice. We compared our present
policies with 18 Life-Saving Rules (LSR) from the
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP)
to analyze the coverage of IOGP Life-Saving Rules.
Furthermore, we also included frequently-occurring
disasters not covered by the IOGP in constructing
CTCI's project site safety policy, which will serve as
the basis of future disaster prevention, educational
training, and continuous SOP improvements.
Employee Interests and Benefits
Labor Conference and Communications
CTCI has established the "Labor Relations Negotiation
Conference" in 2010, in order to strengthen labor relations
and to protect the rights of our workers. The negotiation
conference is held quarterly for four times per year. The
conference consists of 6 individuals from the worker's
side and 6 from management. The management side is
represented by supervisors in the general administration
department, and elected from business units for a term of
three years. Company's senior management cannot serve
as representatives from the workers' side. And women
representatives need to comprise of at least 1/3 of all workers
representatives. During these conferences, important matters
in the quarter would be reported or discussed, and major
operational decisions such as matters pertaining to company's
sales performance, employee health, safety, benefits, salaries
and rewards/punishment measures would be explained the
worker representatives, and the minutes of the meeting is
announced to all employees.
In terms of internal communications, the Company hosts
'senior management seminar' on a quarterly basis to promote
communications between the management and our staff.
The purpose of which is to allow all employees to have the
opportunity to raise questions or suggestions pertaining to
company's management or operations, face-to-face with the
senior managers. Held annually since 2009, approximately
50 employees would take part in this seminar each time. Up
until 2015, we have held 21 seminars, and total number of
participating employees had exceeded one thousand. In the
approximately 2-hour seminar, employees can freely propose
questions and receive direct responses. Through these
seminars, not only can managers understand the workers
more, we can also allow employees to develop a deeper
understanding to Company directions and decisions.
As for the junior staff, the Company conducts satisfaction
survey for service-oriented departments every six months.
The satisfaction rate has exceeded over 80% for the last
three years, and the unsatisfactory performance and items
as indicated in the surveys were immediately discussed
and improvement methods were proposed. In 2012, we
commissioned NTU School of Management to facilitate in
a research on corporate atmosphere at CTCI and affiliated
domestic firms. This research was conducted on affiliated
overseas firms in 2013. Through this research, CTCI could
understand key indicators such as employee's satisfaction on
the Company's structural system, culture, and management
leadership and more. We anticipate to conduct a new
round of comprehensive research in 2016. And we conduct
personal surveys on employees who have resigned, in order
to understand employee satisfaction rate, loyalty, and stability
from various perspectives. Moreover, the senior management
routinely conducts seminars with new entrants, in order to
understand their ideas and suggestions for the Company
and their work through face-to-face communications. To
encourage employees to be more passionate and to enhance
their morale, which will in turn enhance overall productivity,
the Company has established the "Proposal Reward Policy" in
2012. Employees can submit beneficial, innovative, applicable,
and consumer-oriented proposals whether as individuals or
as teams, and the ones that are accepted after evaluations
will receive bonus rewards.
Satisfaction rate survey (%)
Targets in 2015
and 2016
1...,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126 128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,...177
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