CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 87

CH. 5 Environmental Protection
Safety, health, and environment policies
Safety first
Ensuring safety of the workplace; Striving to achieve zero occupational casualty in company operations and project
Promotion employee
health and welfare
Actively promoting self-management of occupational health, strengthening protection and care for physical and
mental health, creating a healthy work environment, and enhancing overall well-being
protection and
Offering professional services that comply with environmental requirements, implementing energy conservation,
carbon reduction, and pollution prevention, and enhancing environmental protection and sustainable development in
collaboration with stakeholders
Implementing risk
management systems
Identifying, assessing, and handling risks in safety, health, and environmental aspects, preventing occupational
hazards and pollution, continuing to improve overall performance in safety, health, and environmental aspects.
Meeting regulatory
and contractual
Identifying applicable laws, regulations, and contractual terms; Supervising and implementing safety, health, and
environmental plans; Ensuring the company and its project processes meet safety, health, and environmental
requirements and fulfill contracts
participation in
Encouraging participation in safety, health, and environmental training; Enhancing awareness and abilities in safety,
health, and environmental matters; Providing effective channels for safety, health, and environmental consultation,
communication, and feedback
Continuing to
improve safety,
health, and
Continuing to review and optimize safety, health, and environmental processes; Ensuring the completeness and
viability of safety, health, and environmental management systems; Improving the applicability, relevance, and
effectiveness of safety, health, and environmental management systems
Environmental Policy and Management System
In the spirit of green engineering and environmental
protection, CTCI has established its ISO 14001 environmental
management system for many years. In practice, we
have integrated it with the OHSAS 18001 occupational
safety and health management system as one safety,
health, and environment management system that can be
incorporated into the company's overall operations. The
ISO 14001 environmental management system is verified
annually by a third party, with a passing rate of 100%. The
management system covers all operations, including the
feasibility study and overall planning of construction projects,
project management, engineering design, procurement
engineering, equipment manufacturing, construction, and
plant commissioning.
Management of Environmental Impacts
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