CH. 5 Environmental Protection
Energy Conservation Measures
Headquarters building
● A portion of the elevators are powered off after business hours and during holidays, so that the
elevator system operates at minimal demand.
● During peak hours, each elevator is designated for odd or even floors
Headquarters building
● Different lighting modes are assigned to time periods in public areas.
● Motion-activated lighting is installed in pantries and parking lots.
● Holiday patrols ensure no unnecessary lighting is turned on.
● Downlights in conference rooms and exit signs in fire escapes have been changed to LED.
Headquarters building
● A portion of air-conditioning is powered off after business hours and during holidays.
● Different air-conditioning modes are assigned to time periods in public areas.
● Switches for air-conditioning is connected to lighting, so that both are powered off at the same
● Indoor air-conditioning temperatures are unified based on seasonal outdoor temperatures and
are recorded for review and adjustment.
Headquarters building
● Gradually replacing old refrigerators with inverter refrigerators
● Advising employees to heat lunch boxes in communal steamers
● Copy machines enter energy-saving mode after 60-minute idling.
● Computers not powered off are detected every night, and users of those computers are
notified by email.
● A portion of drinking fountains are powered off during nighttime and holidays.
● Broadcasting reminder to conserve energy every day during nighttime
● All domestic and overseas corporations in the Group participate in the Earth Hour event.
● Implementing 5S office management; Monthly review and competition of floor-by-floor energy-
saving effectiveness
Construction sites
● Solar panels and small wind turbines are installed in construction site offices.
● Only turning on air-conditioning at 28 degrees Celsius or higher
● Alternating between air-conditioning and electrical fan
● Powering off air-conditioning 20 minutes before business hours end
● Planting climbing vines on the walls and roofs of construction site offices to prevent direct
sunlight heating the interiors, thus lowering interior temperatures and minimizing use of air-
● Turning off artificial lighting in pantries and restrooms and utilize natural lighting instead
● Using appliances with the Energy Label in the office
Energy Conservation Measures and Effectiveness
As a leading brand in world-class engineering and
technology service industry, CTCI has placed great emphasis
on environmental issues since its founding. With rapid
advancement of the industries and technology, global
warming and climate change is increasingly severe. As a
member of the global community, we must spare no effort in
energy-saving and carbon reduction. In terms of specialized
construction, CTCI has continued to develop and utilize new
technologies to reduce energy consumption and prevent
pollution. Internally, the company publishes information to
remind employees to save energy. In addition to forming an
energy-saving corporate culture, we continue to develop
more energy-saving technologies in the field of construction.
In the headquarters building, energy-saving has also been
a focus of our everyday operations, with regular patrols and
documentation for energy consumption.
Installing VRF air-conditioning
Motion-activated lighting Desk stickers