CH. 5 Environmental Protection
Green Engineering Technologies
Green Engineering
Application Case or Results
Automatic piping and
wiring design
● Developing automated design systems for
arrangement and design of instrument piping and
wiring routs
● Increasing work efficiency, minimizing man-made design errors,
shortening processing time, increasing quality of prints, and
saving labor cost
3D laser scanning
● Constructing point cloud in digital models to
reconstruct physical objects and environments as
accurate 3D models
● Applied to an oil refinery in Thailand and a petrochemical plant
expansion project in Saudi Arabia.
Application of mobile
devices in construction
● Incorporating management by walking around into
construction site operations
● Accelerating the review, data entering, and searching
processes in construction management
● Applied to sulfur plants, power plants, flare tower system plants,
and ethylene vinyl acetate plants (Note 7).
Precast concrete
● Casting reinforced concrete bars in the stringently
controlled environment of the plant
● Durability, low maintenance requirements, short installation
time, high cost effectiveness, quieter and cleaner construction
sites, and high fire-resistance rating
Application of construction
● Modular designs for construction details; Dynamic
simulation of the rigging process of modular
construction in cooperation with CTCI's innovative
4D software
● Implementing safe and viable installation sequence to shorten
installation time, increase construction quality, minimize aloft
work, preventing occupational hazards, and minimizing labor
demand for welding
● Applied to naphtha crackers and sulfur plants
Application of piping
fabrication and installation
● Formulating construction plans with piping
fabrication system; Adding barcode function for
obtaining information on production, warehouse
management, and installation data
● Sharing designs with remote project teams and engage
in discussions, increasing efficiency of construction site
management, minimizing construction errors, and saving
construction cost
Wireless instrument
● Replacing traditional wired instruments with wireless
● Lowering plant construction cost
● Successfully incorporating wireless corrosion detection
instruments in overseas RFCC plants (Note 8)
Note 1: VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds
Note 2: SCR = Selective Catalytic Reduction
Note 3: MBR = Membrane Bioreactor
Note 4: EDR = Electrodialysis Reversal
Note 5: VE = Value Engineering
Note 6: EEA = Engineering Economic Analysis
Note 7: EVA = Ethylene Vinyl Acetate
Note 8: RFCC = Residual Fluid Catalytic Cracker
Precast concrete installation