CH. 4 Professional Engineering Service
project was for processing waste gas and protecting
the environment, they generally became supportive and
encouraged us to complete the project soon,” noted
ChiefEngineer Chen. Of course, in terms of being good
neighbors, CPC also kept in close contact with the community,
sponsors and other stakeholders through local activities.As
a result, CPC maintained good relations with residents in the
CTCI also paid special attention to on-site worker safety
and promoted constructive labor relations. In addition to
banners displaying reminders such as “Happy Home, Home
Safety,” CTCI maintained cordial relations with the contractors.
Before the start of work each day, Project Manager Chen,
the site manager, and the safety manager would stand at the
gate of the site and shake hands with every worker.“Everyone
felt awkward in the beginning but then slowly they got used
to it.As time went by, the workers began to initiate shaking
hands with us and nodded and waved,creating a warm
atmosphere,” reported Chen.
Assistant Engineer Xin-Ji Lu said, “The completion of the
CPC FGRS Projecthas benefited Kaohsiung city. According
to our calculations, 9,600 cubic meters of waste gas can be
collected in Area C and F every hour.The amount of recycled
waste gas per day is almost the same as two years’worth
of carbon dioxide absorbed at Daan Forest Park. Efficiency
gains have been far more than can be counted by money.”
In fact, analysis after the project’s completion showed
thatthe average amount of actual recycled waste gas in Area
C was around 2,000Nm3/hour.It is estimated that the total
recycled amount was around 17,520KNm3/year. Calculated
with NT$13,585/KNm3 of gas per unit, the return efficiency is
around NT$238 million/year. These excellent efficiency results
contributed to the project winning the Public Construction
Golden Quality Award in 2015.
We all share the same planet, with everyone wanting
to have a sustainable and clean living environment.The
completion of the CPC FGRS Project has proven that we
are getting closer to such an ideal.In the near future, we are
convinced that with everyone's efforts and more eco-friendly
new technologies and methods, together we can protect the
Earth and our homes.