CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 64

CH. 4 Professional Engineering Service
Strengthen procedure awareness in responsible
● Strengthen responsible personnel's awareness of
procedures and key process
Since 2014, CTCI has been enhancing the awareness of
project managers and PXM through “Project Important
Procedural Awareness Enhancement Examination” and
“Project Key Process Evaluation Mechanism” to ensure that
the responsible personnel have all read and understood the
key points in newly distributed or revised procedures, and
that they can abide by and implement these procedures
on a daily basis. To strengthen the quality control over
key processing in project design/purchasing/construction,
we have also included PXM (major managers of project,
including PEM, PPM and PSM) as a target for the project
key processing evaluation assessment. The assessment
criteria are also individually planned according to the tasks
and planning of each target personnel to be assessed to
ensure that the PXM in each project understands the key
points in management of project key processing. In the first
and second half of the year, the self-evaluation results have
reached an average of 95%, showing that PXM have very
high understanding and awareness of the key processing
in their projects.
● Strengthen supervisor's awareness for managerial
processes and promotional requirement
Starting in 2015, to ensure that supervisors of various
ranks are informed and would relay the message to their
departments, whenever a new, significant rule is imposed
or revised in the Group or in any of the subsidiaries,
the unit responsible for creating the document to
summarize the key points and to email CTCI department
supervisors, management, and General Managers from
the relevant subsidiary companies. This is in accordance
with the Company management procedure to protect the
documents that have been deemed as significant to the
Company (and the Group). And when a new, significant
rule is imposed or revised at CTCI, we also require the
responsible unit for creating the document to summarize
the key points and to inform CTCI department supervisors
and management.
Accept Test
Convent documents developemnt joint meet-
ing decide whether to conduct “Project
Important Procedural Awareness Enhance-
ment Examination” and o ers quiz topic
Induction project key process manage/control
hinghlights and develop evaluation
Complete GTS self- evalunation/
test in time
Self-evaluation/test results tracking
Self-evaluation/test results statistics
Conduct GTS self-evaluation/test
Convent d uments developemnt joint meet-
i g decide whether to conduct “Project
Important Procedural Awareness Enhance-
ment Examination” and o ers quiz topic
Induction project key process manage/control
hinghlights and develop evaluation
Join meeting
revise key point
E-mail relevant
by supervisors
According to importance of
GCP/SCP decide whether to
revise the promotional
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