CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 63

CH. 4 Professional Engineering Service
Strengthen Intellectual Property protection to
enhance the protection for our proprietors
● We have established an IP section and PIPM position
under Quality Management Department.
To strengthen the protection for clients and the intellectual
property of our projects, CTCI has established a designated
unit - the Project Intellectual Property Protection Manager
Section (IP Section) (please refer to the IP organizational
diagram), under the Quality Management Department.
IP Section will be responsible of promoting IP protection
procedures according to company policy and customer
needs, including relevant education training, establishing
and implementing an IP protection auditing procedure etc.
In terms of projects, to satisfy client needs, we will assign
Project Intellectual Property Protection Manager (PIPM)
according to the terms of the contracts, who will carry out
relevant duties such as setting up a project IP protection
proposal, carrying out IP protection promotions and
education, approving the transportation/sending methods
of confidential documents and more.
● Establish IP protection management and implement
In addition to establishing a designated unit, we have
also established a "Stander Procedure of Confidential"
and "Confidential Document Management Procedure"
to protect various confidential matters. This is to prevent
information leak from employees who are aware of CTCI
or clients' business, IP, and technology secrets from
conducting business or carrying out their responsibility, and
to strengthen the Company's management of confidential
documents. Moreover, to ensure that various information is
not misused, leaked, lost, or damaged during the execution
of various projects, leading to damages to the Company's
reputation or financial losses, we have also established the
”Project Intellectual Property Protection Procedure”, which
sets regulations on conducts of personnel working on the
projects to ensure IP protection, in order to implement our
promise of IP protection in practice, and to enhance the
security of our clients.
Personnel training and skills enhancement - fostering
global PQM
● Checking for insufficiencies in skill-sets of PQM and
proposing for various training to enhance PQM
To respond to the gradual increase in demand for the
qualifications of project managers from both domestic
and overseas clients, we have conducted a capability
checkup on our current PQM personnel in 2015 according
to international PQM qualification standards (including 10
years of work experience, international project experience,
project quality management capability, and fluency in
English etc.). We have also selected the personnel to
be further trained, proposed a professional qualification
training program, as well as planned and carried out various
professional training. In 2015, we have conducted 10
training courses, both internally and externally, for our PQM.
● Accumulation of global PQM experiences and expertise
in different, distinctive projects through job rotations
To accumulate the international experiences in PQM and
project management capability in distinctive projects,
we have proposed the personnel international project
experience program, in which the rotation system will help
these staff to accumulate experiences, and the hands-
on environment will also help to enhance their language
and communications skills. We have helped many PQM
to experience engineering projects in various countries
in 2015, and so far, we have fostered many PQM whose
experiences and knowledge have reached a global scale.
QHSE Division
Quality Management Dept.
Project Intellectual Property
Protection Manager Section
Project Quality
Manager Section
Quality Technology
Management Section

Assign and implement PIPM tasks in
accordance with contractual requirements

Promote IP Implementation in accordance
with company policy and customer

Establish IP audit method and implement

Conduct IP education and training
depending on needs

Develop project IP plans

Project IP implementations
promotion and education

Approve confidential
documents transfer method

Implement project IP auditing
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