CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 146

CH. 8 Corporate Citizen
Participation in Nonprofit Organizations
Since establishment, CTCI has carried out corporate
citizen duties and responsibilities through various diversified
methods. Relying on our world-quality professional core
competency, we have contributed our engineering
knowledge and service toward various public constructions.
And we proactively devote ourselves to various social welfare
events, promote community development, and we care
for the environment and ecology. Additionally, as an entity
that has drawn on public resources, CTCI is also dedicated
to giving back to those in need. Under the cornerstone of
our professional engineering knowledge, we have always
been dedicated in our participation in professional academic
groups, unions, and other nonprofit organizations. And we
serve in key director and supervisor roles in various groups,
and are dedicated toward the promotion of these groups
and to enhancing the overall industry quality together
with our competitors. To promote employees to enhance
their own capabilities through participating in professional
organizations, we have set up a staff reward mechanism,
and in year 2015, we have funded 810 individuals and the
total amount of fund had been NTD 543,916. In 2015, CTCI
has partaken in 47 academic associations, unions, and other
professional organizations under individual or group identities
(and has partaken in 71 organizations if counting in CTCI's
affiliated companies).
Nonprofit and professional organizations that CTCI took part in 2015
Identity of participant
Nonprofit and professional organizations
Dollar amount devoted to
facilitate in the operations of
nonprofit groups (NTD)
Chinese Institute of Engineers (Main Chapter), Chinese Institute of
Engineers (Kaohsiung Chapter), Chinese Petroleum Institute, Sino-
Arabian Cultural & Economic Association, Chinese International
Economic Cooperation Association, Taiwan Institute of Chemical
Engineers, Chung-Hwa Railway Industry Development Association,
Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei, Middle East Business
Association, The Chinese Association of Engineering Consultants,
The Taipei Federation of Engineering Consultants, Taiwan Welding
Society, Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Taiwan Institute
of Steel Construction, Chinese Society of Structural Engineering,
Pressure Vessel Association, Sino-Indonesia Cultural and Economic
Association, Taiwan Safety Council, Taiwan India Business
Association, Cross-Strait CEO Summit, Chung-HwaNuclear Society,
Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association
Chinese Institute of Engineers (Main Chapter), Chinese Institute of
Engineers (Kaohsiung Chapter), Chinese Petroleum Institute, The
Taipei Federation of Engineering Consultants, Taiwan Welding
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