CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 149

CH. 8 Corporate Citizen
Knowledge Learning and Rewards for Academic Research
The CTCI Knowledge Management System has expanded
from CTCI to domestic and overseas subsidiaries including
E&C Engineering Corp, Advanced Control & Systems Inc.,
Sino Environmental Services Corp., Resources Engineering
Services Inc., Jingding Engineering & Construction Co.,
Ltd, Shang Ding Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd, CTCI
Thailand Co., Ltd., CTCI Machinery Corporation, and CIMAS
Engineering Co., Ltd. Not only does this system serve as a
platform for the passing and sharing of knowledge, it is also
equipped with project execution related documents and
experiences sharing documents. Besides, given that much
knowledge cannot be stored in documents or on paper, some
professional knowledge are stored in senior employees’
mind as known as Tacit Knowledge, we have built up an
engineering expertise site for an internal Q&A mechanism
called Expert for free discussion and brain storming so that
professional knowledge could be shared, discussed, and
passed on through the newest discussion forum function.
Since 2011, we have started an update process for our
new knowledge management system with a much more
user-friendly interface for easy access plus some new
functions such as interactive search engine and knowledge
community. This smooth operational platform has enabled our
colleagues to make cross-organizational, system, and multi-
disciplinary inquiries. The effective management and usage
of corporate knowledge documents have also maximized the
benefits of the database. The "Product Manager" domain in
the knowledge bank also providing categorized professional
knowledge from each project according to product
types. After a project has been completed, knowledge
and information that may be helpful toward future project
executions will be uploaded and shared.
CTCI IT Department has finished the design and officially
deployed the myVideo-KM function in year 2015, a new
function of the knowledge management system. The purpose
of which is to construct a learning platform designed for
users to learn work related fundamental knowledge, training
material through multimedia. This provides a channel for
our employees to conduct self-facilitated learning and to
gain knowledge, and new recruits can autonomously learn
about knowledge necessary to his/her daily operations and
department through watching videos. This is similar to online
learning, but this platform offers a reinforced video streaming
technology, and enables CTCI's internal and external users to
learn without borders.
The new knowledge management system can be
categorized into five main functional modules. The knowledge
document management system and knowledge community
are platforms designed for knowledge sharing; while the
core competency system and personal network focus on
constructing knowledge networks. Through integrating the
five functional modules in the knowledge management
system with the search function, the system has become an
important platform for management and knowledge sharing.
Additionally, we have utilized the knowledge management
system to align information from our supply chain, to be
ready in the global competitive network, and granted access
to parts of the content in the system to relevant personnel
including: clients, business owners, primary contracted service
providers, partners, upstream and downstream vendors,
downstream suppliers, and schools. Not only can CTCI share
the 30 years of experience that we have accumulated and
strengthen our competitiveness, but we can also achieve
mutual growth with our business partners.
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