CH. 7 Talent cultivation
Family Day
CTCI Holding Hands and
Enjoying Life Event
At Guandu Nature Park - to encourage
employees and their families to be in better
health and to interact with other families,
learn about living organisms and the
ecological environment
Number of Participants : 2,000
Flood Channel Lu-Ti Park
Sports Day
Activities included group power walk and
tug-of-war. To conserve the environment
while doing charitable deeds, the Company
HQ had commenced the "Love Piggybank"
donation event, and Fortune Energy
Corporation and BoReTech have also set up
green demonstration zones to teach about
energy conservation.
At Guandu Nature Park - to encourage
employees and their families to be in better
health and to interact with other families,
learn about living organisms and the
ecological environment
Number of Participants 3,000
Visit to the Taipei City Zoo
To enhance a healthy workplace
environment and to promote interactions
between families, to learn about animals and
the ecological environment.
Number of Participants : 2,100
National Taipei University of
Education Sports Day
Activities included singing contest and
creative cheerleading. And charity groups
were invited to join.
Number of Participants :3,000