CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 11

CH. 0 About This Report
Materiality for CTCI
Measures in 2015
Risk Management
Risk management is a indispensable component of
a company's decision-making. Risk management
systems do not exist to eliminate all risks; They
help employees systematically identify and assess
potential risks involved in a company's operations
and use effective methods to manage those risks
and potential opportunities to enhance a company's
operating abilities and competitiveness, optimizing
business performance.
Based on risk management principles,
continuing to implement risk management,
establishing risk files in all risk management
units, and identifying, controlling, and
mitigating risks
53 risk items were identified and controlled based on
the 2015 Q4 risk file
Prevention of
We have long been committed to incorporating
various green engineering technologies. From
the life cycle perspective that involves design,
procurement, construction, trial runs, operation, and
decommissioning, we offer clients economic and
viable eco-friendly solutions that minimize pollution,
impact on human health, and environmental damage.
We innovate to enhance the green competitiveness
of the industry, achieving win-win situations for CTCI,
partners, stakeholders, society, and the environment
- contributing to the sustainability of our ecosystem.
1. Recycling waste heat from processes or
using regenerative thermal oxidizer for
treating VOC waste gases.
2. Regular valves with 1,000 ppm effusion or
higher have been replaced with 100 ppm
low-effusion valves.
3. The incinerator plants in Taiwan operated
by our Environment & Resources Business
Operations department produce electricity
that is converted to reduction of CO2e.
In the results of implementing indicative green
engineering in 2015, the Environment & Resources
Business Operations department reduced its CO2e:
1. Reducing emission of VOCs by 3,398 tons
2. Reducing CO2e by 454,669 tons
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