CH. 0 About This Report
Customer Service
and Management
Financial Performance
Corporate Governance
Innovative Technology and Service
Supply Chain Management
Risk Management
Channels of Stakeholder
Communication and Grievances
Brand Management
Fair Trade
Tax Policies
Project Evaluation
Legal Compliance
Visions of Sustainability and Targets
Employee Benefits and Compensations
Labor Relations
Worker Rights and Human Rights
Career Development and Educational Training
Work/Life Balance
Recruitment and Retainment
Supplier Social Performance
Social Participation
Workplace Safety and
Health Management
Supplier Environmental Performance
Environmental Management System
Prevention of Environmental Pollutions
Climate Change and Strategies
Green Procurement
Eco-friendly technology R&D
Eectiveness of Energy Conservation
Economic issues
Social issues
Environmental issues
level of immediate or potential impact to the company
Concern with stakeholders
Analysis Matrix of Significance