CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 5

CH. 0 About This Report
Report writing procedures
To reach effective communications between the CSR Report and our
stakeholders, CTCI Corporation complies by the GRI Ver. G4 instruction and the AA
1000APS standard to conduct procedures of analyzing significant topics, in which
the significant topics, scope of data collection, and stakeholders that we wish to
communicate with pertaining to 2015 CSR Report would be defined.
After having compiled topics relevant to CTCI's
sustainability, we conducted surveys to stakeholders
to understand their levels of interest on various
topics; on the other hand, our Reporting Team
decided on the influences of each topic on the
Company's sustainability (financial, environmental,
and societal performance), and selected 27
significant topics to report on.
CTCI Corporation selected 37 corresponding significant
considerations according to the chosen significant
topics. According to the indicators of each consideration,
members of the Reporting Team held meetings to
discuss the scope of disclosure for each indicator one
by one, including internal (CTCI Corporation), external
(clients, investors, community, government, supplier/
contractor), as the scope of disclosure in our Corporate
Sustainability Report.
Decide on stakeholders to communicate with is the
first and foremost decision to take in releasing a
CSR Report. CTCI has identified 7 types of primary
stakeholders, including clients, investors, subsidiaries,
suppliers/contractors, community, employees, and
the government, according to the 5 principles
(dependency, responsibility, influence, tension, and
diverse perspectives) of the AA 1000 Stakeholder
Engagement Standard (SES). Additionally, to allow
stakeholders to fully covey their levels of emphasis on
CTCI Corporation's sustainability, we have compiled
topics and information pertaining to CTCI Corporation's
sustainable operations internally, and used this
information as basis for subsequent research on
stakeholder's interest level on various topics.
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