CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 104

CH. 7 Talent cultivation
2015 total number of employees
Total dollar amount devoted into employee
educational training was NTD 2,864,330 and
the total hours of training had
been 215,877 hours in 2015.
We conduct service satisfaction surveys
for the service-oriented
department in every 6
months, and the satisfaction
rate had all exceeded 80% for
the last 3 years.
The total dollar amount devoted toward all
employee benefits had been NTD 55,345,136.
And the benefits had included welfare and
grants, recreation and leisure,
and educational rewards and so
1,092 times
We hosted health-promotional seminars in
collaboration with the Shilin Health Center and
designated health checkup center. Topics for
the annual health promotion seminars were
set according to employee input
for the health seminar, and this
included psychological issues. In
2015, 12 seminars were held, and
attended by 1,092 participants.
Total dollar amount devoted into employee
professional skills training was
NTD 11,670,408 and the total
hours of training had been
224,613 hours in 2015.
33,891,274 hours
On Jan. 14, 2016, our Company headquarters
was recognized for operating for 33,891,274
hours without work-related
incidents from Jan. 18, 2007
to Nov. 30, 2015, from the
Occupational Safety and
Health Administration,
Ministry of Labor.
Over 90% recruitment rate
of local residents in overseas
19 clubs
The Company is dedicated to
promoting clubs as an outlet
for releasing physiological and
mental stress during their daily
work. Currently there are 19 clubs.
10 years
Since the knowledge management system
was officially launched in 2006, it has been
in use for 10 years by this year. On average
the knowledge management
system was used by 38.3
individuals and accessed for
155.89 times per working
day, and 547.78 articles were
downloaded in 2015.
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