CH. 6 Supply Chain Management
Mutual Growth with Vendors
Nurturing Vendors
CTCI sees suppliers as partners, and we hope to achieve
mutual growth with these partners. While we expand our
operations globally, CTCI also guides suppliers to attain
international-level capabilities, assist suppliers to prepare
relevant information and documents for submission to
overseas clients for them to evaluate, in order to become a
qualified vendor to the overseas clients.
We collaborated with a subsidiary firm CAL in Saudi Arabia
in 2015, and devoted much effort into promoting CTCI's
key suppliers to become qualified vendors to the Saudi
Arabian client SABIC. Currently, we have recommended 24
vendors, and 3 of which have been qualified. The other 20
suppliers have also completed online registration, as well
as given relevant documents to the clients for evaluation.
We collaborated with a subsidiary firm MIEI in Malaysia to
promote key CTCI vendors to become qualified vendors for
Petronas (Malaysian oil company). Since Malaysia assumes a
protectionist policy for local vendors, we may have to devote
more effort and time into the application system in Malaysia.
However, CTCI has risen to the challenge and invited MIEI to
Taiwan to explain about the application process to various
vendors. Currently, we have recommended 13 suppliers, and
3 have been approved as qualified vendors to our client. The
other suppliers are still negotiating with MIEI for it to serve as
their agent in Malaysia, and are preparing to deliver product-
related documents to the client for evaluations. In the future,
CTCI will continue to devote much effort toward enhancing
supplier competencies, as well as to guide key outstanding
suppliers to expand internationally with us.
Enhancement of CSR Awareness in Vendors
In 2015, CTCI has shared CTCI's CSR results with 10 Tier 1
suppliers. 3 of these suppliers have already published CSR
Reports, and another 3 are gathering relevant documents,
and this sharing process is our way of positive interactions
with our suppliers. Even the suppliers that have not yet
published CSR Reports are very impressed with this topic, and
this sharing process has further implemented the spreading
of CSR awareness in practice.