CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 36

CH. 3 Corporate Governance
Integral Management
Since our startup phase, CTCI Corporation has always
maintained a vision of maintaining both steady organizational
growth and environmental sustainability. We are committed to
corporate social responsibility (CSR), and disclose our information
transparently, promote steady growth and a corporate governance
culture of sustainability. And hence, we have received widespread
recognition. Since 1993, CTCI has established a spokesperson
system and opened up external channels of communication
and sufficiently disclosed management information to the
public, in order to carry out our fundamental responsibility to the
shareholders and the public. Subsequently, we have gradually
stabilized our internal governance structure, established
committees and planned out their roles and obligations and
coordinated their corresponding units to help them implement
their obligations. We hope that these measures will enhance
our corporate image, recognition from our clients, and construe
harmonious business partnerships.
Because we maintain a vision of integrity and hard work and
we implemented these beliefs in practice, CTCI has constantly
received A level rating from the 'Listed Companies Information
Disclosure Assessment' hosted by the TWSE and the Taipei
Exchange, and we have even received the highest A++ rating
for transparency in 2015. Besides maintaining high levels of
transparency in our governance, CTCI has received the honor of
being among the top 5% in Listed Companies in the 1st and 2nd
Corporate Governance Assessment held by the TWSE and Taipei
3.1.1 Structure of the Board of Directors
CTCI has elected 13 Directors (including 3 Independent
Directors) to serve on the Board of Directors, as required by
our Company Policy and the Procedures of Electing Board
Members. Each term lasts for 3 years. According to the Board
of Directors Meeting Standards, the Board holds at least 1
meeting per quarter, in which the strategic directions and
important decisions regarding the Company are made.
The members of the Board need to have the professional
knowledge, experience, and accomplishment needed to
exercise their responsibilities, and come from fields including
engineering, electrical engineering, mechanics, biochemistry,
business administration, and finance and accounting and
more. They should have in-depth global outlook, decision-
making and crisis-handling capabilities, in order to respond
to changes in the economy, environment, and the society
among other factors. Moreover, the Company conducts
advanced studies for the Board members according to the
"Key Promotional Factors for Directors and Supervisors in
Listed Companies," in order to continuously enhance the
understanding of the Board on emerging issues and augment
to the effectiveness of corporate governance.
The President is assigned by the Board, and in addition to
leading the management team under the strategic guidance
from the Board, the President is also in charge of the overall
management. Because of clear-cut separation of duties and
coherent delegations and communications between the
Board and the management team, the corporate governance
system is healthy and its overall operation is sound.
Compensations are based on individual contributions and
in reference to salary standards from the industry. Over the
years, the compensations paid have been lower than 3% of
the Company's annual profit after tax.
Articles of Incorporation
Rules Governing the Election of
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