CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 46

CH. 3 Corporate Governance
Information disclosure is the fundamental element to corporate governance.
To allow investors to make the most accurate decisions according to the given
conditions, CTCI has never lagged behind in implementing information transparency
in practice. Besides holding annual investor conference and shareholders meeting
to explain about the Company's financial and operational conditions, CTCI has
also established an Investor's Section on the company website to instantly
disclose information pertaining to conditions of corporate governance, operational
announcements, financial reports, major information, investor conference, and
internal audit. The investors conference can also be viewed online. At the same
time, we also list out detailed information on the TWSE's MOPS.
CTCI does not only conduct one-way information disclosure, but also participates
in investor conferences hosted by securities exchanges overseas in order to
get more opportunities to communicate with overseas investors. Moreover, we
proactively visit the top 10 long-term corporate shareholders annually to listen
to their advice about the Company's operations. Additionally, the Company has
also established a spokesperson system and Investor Relations Office, in which
designated personnel will directly meet with clients and shareholders to handle
any form of needs in real-time. If any one of CTCI's stakeholders should have any
concerns, they can contact the Company via telephone, fax, or email, and the
Company will respond ASAP.
CTCI Code of Conduct
CTCI complies by the principles of human rights, labor standards, environment,
and anti-corruption in the UN Global Compact, Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
and the UN Framework and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and to
ensure that day-to-day operations all comply with business ethics, we have established
separate fundamental codes of conduct for directors, managers, normal employees and
procurement personnel, including "Corporate Governance Standard" and "Employee
Operations Ethical Code of Conduct."
Implementations of
Information Disclosure
Legal Compliance
Name of the Code
Corporate Governance
Codes of Ethical Conduct
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