CH. 3 Corporate Governance
Sustainability Initiatives
CTCI's short, mid and long-term sustainability goals
Global Sustainable Performance - DJSI
In 2015, CTCI was nominated as one of the companies in the
sustainability index on the DJSI though it was the first time we were invited
to join, making us the first and the only company in the engineering industry
to be chosen by DJSI in Taiwan, and benchmarking an important milestone
for the sustainable development of local engineering industry. CTCI has
received high marks in the areas of anti-trust, client relations management,
risk management, environmental policy and management system, and
employee health and security caring and
more. In the future, in order to CTCI will
continue to enhance our actions in corporate
sustainability and to focus on global trends
in sustainability, and implement corporate
sustainable governance in practice.
Universal Declaration of
Human Rights
The Company abides by the relevant
regulations, respects the basic
principles of human rights protection,
protects the legal rights of employees,
has constructed equal, fair, and
open management methods and
procedures, and offered grievances
channels for employees.
The UN Human Rights
Norms for Business
The Company is in compliance with
the UN Human Rights Norms for
Business when executing projects
around the world.
Earth Hour
Participated in the "Earth Hour"
event to emphasize on global
warming and the effects of climate
UN Global Compact
CTCI not only complies with
regulations of the UN Global
Compact in aspects of human
rights, labor, environment, and anti-
corruption, it has also asked its
suppliers and subcontractors to do
the same.
Mid and long-term
Worker's safety
● Enhance the safety and health expertise and
awareness in employees, and effectively lower the
risks of occupational hazards from occurring.
● Implement behavioral safety observations,
strengthen employees' self-awareness for safety.
● Enhance safety and health management
mechanism and optimize safety and health
management system in response to global trends
and company development.
Cultivate the Company's culture of safety and
health, innovate new safety and health management
techniques and to continuously improve the
Company's safety and health performance. Strive
toward achieving zero occupational hazards and
to become a safety and health benchmark in the
engineering industry.
● Understand the customer needs and strengthen
communications with customers in order to
strengthen customer service.
● Achieve at least 8 points in rating in customer
satisfaction surveys
● Enhance quality of products and services, and to
become the most trustworthy global engineering
service team
● Become more globalized in existing product lines
● Plan to proactively develop new technologies
and expand to new areas in industry expansion
Supply Chain
● Draw up strategies for sustainable supply chain
management, announce management strategies,
and establish tools for assessment
● Require vendors to sign commitment to CSR to
enhance suppliers' emphasis to CSR.
● Manage vendor qualifications
■ Encourage vendors to apply for ISO 14001 and
OHSAS 18001 certifications
■ Conduct qualification reassessment for tier 1
vendors every 3 years
● Manage vendor assessment
■ Construct a vendor assessment method,
regulatory mechanism, and to execute
● Vendor Risk Management
● Construct ways to assess vendor risks, regulatory
mechanisms, and to execute accordingly
lower emissions,
and green
● Roll out carbon management actions, incorporate
ISO-14064-1 and complete responses to CDP
● Continue to promote green engineering,
strengthen environmental protection and energy-
conservation measures during quotations and
project executions.
● Proactively participate in Dow Jones Sustainability
Index (DJSI) which offers the Company better
● Incorporate the issue of climate change into
corporate management strategies.
● Clearly state the needs for key personnel in
sustainable development and construct a
comprehensive functionality structure.
● Schedule routine inspection of talents in reserve,
and set up individual development plans for
● Establish positive relations with schools and
establish a decent employer image to attract
needed talent.
● Construct a decent work environment that
balances work and life, is fair and could help the
employees to achieve individual development
according to their characters and capabilities.
● Satisfy the qualities and quantities of various
types of talents needed to reach corporate