CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 40

CH. 3 Corporate Governance
Sustainable Governance
As a global citizen, CTCI has established the "Environmental
Protection" Team to realize its corporate social responsibility
and enhance CTCI's sustainability. The Innovation R&D Center
supervises this team, and it is responsible for strengthening
and integrating the environmental protection measures that
the Company undertakes, and hosts team meetings to track
results of implementations on a timely basis. Since 2013,
the Innovation R&D Center has gradually checked various
projects that are under way, and offered suggestions to adapt
green engineering concept while honoring the contracts
and client consent, in order to bring our clients to join us
in conserving energy and helping our planet. In 2014, we
have taken further steps to incorporate sustainable green
engineering concept from design planning and quotation, to
procurement to construction methods. And we hope that we
can implement CSR vision in practice with our clients while
meeting clients' construction budgets.
To strengthen the corporate sustainable spirit and to
comply with TWSE and Taipei Exchange's "CSR Practice
Policy of Listed Companies," CTCI Corporation has proposed
the “CTCI Corporation CSR Practice Policy” and received
approval from the Board. In December 2014 we have attained
approval from the Board to revise this Policy, and carries
out various CSR-related practices according to this Policy to
achieve a balance between achieving economic, societal,
and environmental and ecological benefits.
CSR Committee
CSR Committee is the primary decision-making and
promotion unit for CSR tasks in the Company. It is supervised
by the President, General Management Office, the
supervisors and the job promotion teams of Engineering
Technology, Petroleum Engineering, and Infrastructure and
Environmental Engineering departments, and formed by
the Supervisor of the Administration Service Division and
other members appointed by the President. A Supervisor
and a Coordinator have also been appointed, served by the
President and the Supervisor of the General Management
Office, respectively. CTCI CSR Committee hold meetings
either routinely or from time to time. The scheduled meetings
are held in each October, and the Coordinator would be
responsible of organizing the meeting. The annual budget
of the subsequent year would be proposed and topics for
discussion would be raised. Other meetings would be held as
the Supervisor of the Committee sees fit. The members of the
Committee and department supervisors that are relevant to
the topics for discussions should either be present or appoint
representatives to attend the meetings. Primary roles are as
the following:
Establish CSR Policy.
Review operations of the CSR Management System.
Review CSR targets, strategies, and action plans of
the Company, and guide and track the developments,
performances, and improvements of each action plan.
Supervise communication plans with each stakeholder
(e.g. the writing of the CSR Report), and invite stakeholders
to join in discussions with committee members or host
stakeholder meetings as the need arises.
Supervise that the writing and compilation of the CSR
Report is accomplished within the set timeframe.
Established CSR Committee
to handle all planning,
promotion, executions and
information coordination,
assessment and
improvement of all matters
pertaining to CSR.
Passed the “CSR Promotion
and CSR Report Publication
Procedure”. Through having
all units carrying out plans
set by the Committee, we
will achieve corporate image
enhancement, receive client
recognition and construct
an internal harmonious
Raised the CSR reporting
level to the Board of
Directors. The “Quality
and Safety, Health, and
Environmental Committee”
was renamed as “Quality
Safety, Health, Environmental
Protection and CSR
Committee” and would be
responsible of reviewing
and supervising CSR related
matters in the Company.
CSR Report Guideline was
revised from Version G3 to
-Duties of the existing
“Supply Chain Relations”
team had expanded and
the team was renamed the
“Environmental Protection”
-Board of Directors has
passed the “CTCI CSR
Implementation Code” to
carry out various CSR related
matters in practice.
CSR Report Guideline was
revised from version G3.1 to
Selected by DJSI Index in
the Emerging Market.
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