CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 22

CH. 1 About CTCI
Primary Business and Clients
"To Satisfy Our Customers with Optimized Engineering
Services" is CTCI's corporate mission. As such we continue
to improve ourselves and strive for the better, in order to
win over our client's trust and assurance. In the future, CTCI
expects to continue providing diverse services of uttermost
quality by our most competitive team, and proactively strive
to achieve our corporate vision of "becoming the most
reliable global engineering service provider." The primary
service of our corporation is to provide plant construction
lump sum contract engineering services to business owners.
This includes many professional and technical services
such as feasibility study, comprehensive planning, project
management, industrial design, procurement, equipment
manufacturing, plant commissioning, quality assurance,
heave, safety, and environmental protection, operating and
maintenance, and infomation technology.
CTCI's major clientele range from refinery, petrochemical,
chemical, power supply, infrastructure, environmental
engineering, steel, furnace, logistics, and biochemical
pharmaceuticals etc., and strives to develop in diversified
manner rather than being constrained to one field. The
services that CTCI offer are to turn owners facility construction
demands into engineering blueprints (including design
and construction drawings) through various professional
engineering personnel, and then to further incorporate
partner firms to complete the construction project according
to the construction drawing. We maintain sufficient expertise
to all supplies of materials and equipment, as well as
construction standards and specifications for the facility
construction process, to ensure that we can meet client
expectations and accomplish within the contractual timeframe.
Ours is an industry that has a very high entrance barrier.
Having had over 30 years of experience in this industry,
CTCI has already successfully established an image of
first-rate international engineering firm and is widely
recognized by overseas clients. Not only is CTCI a contracted
construction service equipped with comprehensive project
planning, design, procurement, manufacturing, construction,
monitoring to commissioning skills, we are also one of the
very few Taiwanese engineering companies that has set up
establishments overseas and achieved great results. Both our
domestic and overseas reputation and competitive advantage
are exceptional.
Faced with even tougher global competition, a crucial
factor for global engineering companies is the utility of
global resources. In addition to technical resources in our
Taiwan headquarters, CTCI ("the Company") also fully utilizes
subsidiary firms based in Asia such as Beijing and Shanghai
in China, Bangkok in Thailand, Hanoi in Vietnam, and New
Delhi in India and more, to foster local engineers, in order to
reach more labor forces with more competitive pricing and to
invite them to join our Group's personnel and materials, and
to carry out our large-scale ongoing projects. In the future,
we plan to continue to expand our overseas personnel and
to reach new sites such as Singapore and Malaysia to make
better use of local labor and material. This will allow us to
cater to the resource needs of operational development,
maintain our competitive advantage in cost, and to grasp
local market insights due to geographical advantage and
serve as the frontline of our business development plans. To
respond to global competition and the pressure of annually
increasing operational costs, not only does the Company
fully utilize overseas subsidiaries to lower costs via global
resource management during project executions, we also
strive to enhance our international competitiveness through
continuous innovation to increase our project management
skills and stringent risk control, in order to provide the best
services to our clients.
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