CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 173

Material Aspects
Impact on CTCI's operations
Responsible management unit
Management Review Systems (Internal & External)
30. Anti-corruption
Impact on corporate governance, business integrity, and potential
Legal Department/ Auditing
Each department conducts internal management. The Auditing
Department accepts complaints and conducts audits.
31. Social and Regulatory
Potential impact on corporate reputation; Large sums of fines may
impact revenue.
Legal Department/ HSE
Management Department/
Human Resources Department/
Project Department
Internally, operating according to regulations; Externally, complying
with laws and regulations
32. Complaint system for social
impact issues
Problems may not be discovered in time, resulting in impact on
corporate image
Human Resources Department
Annual number of social impact issue complaint instances
33. Client health and safety
Potential production defects that impact corporate image
Brand Management
Management by client satisfaction survey task force
34. Product and Service Labeling
Potential production defects that impact future operations
Brand Management
Management by client satisfaction survey task force
35. Client privacy
Potential impact on clients' rights and corporate image
Project Department
IT Division
Ensuring clients' rights within the scope of contracts
Ensuring the security of clients' information with the ISO27001
36. Regulatory Compliance for
Potential impact on corporate reputation; Large sums of fines may
impact revenue.
Project Department/ Legal
Internally, operating according to regulations; Externally, complying
with laws and regulations
37. CTCI - project assessment
In major or controversial projects, there is potential impact on the
execution of projects and corporate image without appropriate
assessment and handling measures.
Project Department
Conducting project risk identification, assessment, and response
planning based on the company's managerial procedures
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