CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 172

Material Aspects
Impact on CTCI's operations
Responsible management unit
Management Review Systems (Internal & External)
14. Supplier Environmental
Existing or potential negative impact on the environment by suppliers Procurement Department
During contractor registration or factory visits, contractors are
required to fill out environmental survey forms and facilitate
inspection. CTCI provides supplier guidelines as reference
for contractors. In cases where suppliers are major polluters,
registration shall not be approved before pollution problems
15. Environmental Issue Complaint
Effective complaint system for mitigating environmental impact
Administration and Services
Department/ Project Site
Administration Department
Annual completion rate of complaint handling
16. Labor-management Relationship
Potential lack of loyalty among employees
Human Resources Department
Annual number of labor-management disputes
17. Labor-management Relationship
Potential problem of ineffective talent retention
Human Resources Department
Annual overall employee turnover rate
18. Occupational Health and Safety
Potential impact on productivity resulting from injuries and diseases
HSE Management Department
Quarterly reviews by the Occupational Safety Committee
19. Training
Employees' professional skills may not suit the needs of the company.
Human Resources Department
Annual training expenditure
20. Employee Diversity and Equal
Employees may not be able to develop their strengths or perform
Human Resources Department
Change in the amount of subsidies for employment of the
physically or mentally disadvantaged and aborigines
21. Equal Pay
Potential problem of willingness to be retained for certain genders
Human Resources Department
Quarterly review meeting by the labor-management committee
22. Labor Complaint System
Management problems may not be discovered in time, and employee
loyalty may be impacted as a result.
Human Resources Department
Managing with the employee suggestion box
23. Investment
Labor rights issues in invested companies may impact operating
Human Resources Department
Management by reviewing financial statements of long-term
24. Non-discrimination
Violation of this principle shall impact the image of the company.
Human Resources Department
Establishing hotline and mailbox for consultation and reports
25. Freedom of Association and
Collective Bargaining
Potential problem of unhealthy labor-management relationship
Human Resources Department
Quarterly review meeting by the labor-management committee
26. Forced and Compulsory Labor
Potential violation of laws and regulations that impacts the image of
the company
Human Resources Department
Quarterly review meeting by the labor-management committee
27. Human Rights Assessment
Potential impact on operations and corporate image
Legal Department/ Human
Resources Department
Quarterly review meeting by the labor-management committee
28. Human Rights Complaint System
Potential violation of laws and regulations that impacts the image of
the company
Human Desources Department
Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee
29. Local communities
Potential hostile relationships that may impact production or image
Administration and Service
Number of community complaint instances
1...,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171 173,174,175,176,177
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